Today, there are more risks than ever to your privacy and personal data. One recurrent risk for those who frequently travel outside the home is stealing personal data via RFID.

You may have heard of RFID blocking materials being used in wallets. But how do these pieces work, exactly? In our explainer, we’ll uncover the secret to how RFID blocking wallets work. This way, you can be sure your data is secure while on the go.

How Does RFID Work?

Have you ever paid for something at a store by simply tapping your phone or credit card against a payment kiosk? Or perhaps you’ve tapped an ID badge at work to gain access to a particular elevator floor? Maybe you’ve even used a tap-to-access card on your local public transit system.

All of these examples use radio frequency identification, or RFID for short. This emergent technology uses electromagnetic waves. These serve as an instantaneous communication method between a tag and a reader. In many cases, this is between a payment kiosk and a person’s credit card.

How Does RFID Blocking Work?

Radio frequency identification wallets work thanks to a special layer. What is an RFID wallet but a means of stopping the RFID communication process? The wallet functions by severing the ability for that electromagnetic signal between the tag and the reader.

Typically, a layer of electromagnetic blocking material such as carbon fiber or aluminum is woven into a wallet. This provides total coverage around one’s credit cards, IDs, and more. This material prevents a signal from being sent.

Even when pressed against RFID readers, a credit card will not be able to send a readable signal.

So, to put an old question to bed, for those wondering “do RFID wallets work,” the answer is an emphatic yes.

Why RFID Blocking is Important

Traditionally, thieves would need to physically take your wallet or purse to steal your money, sensitive information, and more. But today, thieves are savvier than ever. They are capable of gaining access to your credit card information or passport data. And all without even needing to touch you.

Contactless cards are great, but they offer a security risk.

Data skimmers allow thieves to scan one’s credit card or other RFID-enabled belongings without ever touching it. All the thief needs to do is to stand close enough to you and your data can be stolen rather simply. The electronic pickpocketing is over within seconds.

Should You Use RFID Blocking Material in Your Wallet?

RFID theft is relatively new and isn’t exactly rampant. But the tech is evolving and thieves are evolving right along with it. What is a rather infrequent issue today could become a majoritive problem tomorrow.

It’s always best to protect yourself and your personal information when you’re out of the home. And while radio frequency identification wallet blocking offers protection, it does so without adding bulk to your wallet. Today’s wallets imbued with RFID blocking material look and feel indistinguishable from traditional wallets.

Protect Your Credit Card and Your Privacy

If you’re wondering, “how can i protect my credit cards from being scanned,” take heed. It’s never too late to give yourself the gift of proactive protection.

At bagdUp, we offer countless stylish and functional wallets with RFID blocking technology baked in. These are modern, reliable choices to suit every kind of around-towner. Each comes with the bagdUp promise of making your life easier. And each comes with a 60-day moneyback guarantee.

Browse top-selling wallets.

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